Monday, March 28, 2016

Does God Really Want You To Win... Or Learn?

I have recently started Bible Journaling, and as I was searching for some ideas and inspiration on pinterest, I came across one that said "God Wants You To Win!"  And it got me thinking.  This person was more than likely dealing with something specific, and could have ABSOLUTELY gotten confirmation from God that He would help them be victorious.

But.  Does God really always want us to win?

God speaks to me through mommy-moments, and yesterday my friend and I took Aidan to the park to play.  Now, I neither hover (usually Dan has that covered), nor do I ignore Aidan at the playground.  I sit at a distance where I can see him, and he can see me.  If he were to need my help, I can be there fast enough, but I feel like I've given him enough space to spread his wings.  I don't help him get up to places he couldn't get down from on his own - I want to see what he can learn without my intervention.
Today, he was climbing up a knobby thing to get to the slide.  It was new, and it was a little big, but he was doing a great job.  All of a sudden his foot slipped, and slid down a couple knobs.  He looked at me, a little worried, and I told him "you're doing great!  Try again, you can do it!"  He looked determined, and put his foot back up, found a secure-feeling spot, and pulled himself up.  When he got to the top, he said, "I did it!"  And of course, being his cheerleader, I told him how proud I was of him trying so hard.

So.  Did he win?  Eventually yes.
Would it have helped him for me to intervene when it got hard?  No.  Because the next time he would try to climb up it, he would think he needed my help, and wouldn't try as hard.

By letting him fail, I was allowing him to learn.

Could it be that sometimes when we face difficult times, it's because God is teaching us something we will need later down the road?  If God "lets us win" (like when we play games with kids) all the time, we aren't learning vital skills.

Does God want us to be victorious?  Yes.  But it's not that easy.  We become victorious when we trust God that he has our best interest in mind.  Not when we are always "winning".

So, if you are in the middle of the battle, and you're wondering where God is: He is watching you, He hasn't taken his eyes off you, and He is saying, "I'm right here, you can do it!  Try again."  Because the battle has already been won - therein lies our victory.