Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Directions for making cupcake ornament

I decided to write out some directions for making the cupcake ornament in my last post, because everyone is at different levels of "crafting", so some one may enjoy the help.  Here I'll be making a red velvet cupcake, with cream cheese frosting.

First, you cut out the pattern given in the earlier post. Then, you pin in to the felt of your choosing. Then you cut out the bottom shape. You will do this twice. You will do the same thing for the "frosting". (Tip: If you're using felt that has two different sides - like maybe sparkles on one - make sure you flip the pattern to the other side.)

Then you do a blanket stitch on the two sides and the bottom, leaving the top open (for stuffing, later).

Like so.

Next, you add your sprinkles.  You can use longer brown ones, for chocolate sprinkles, or you can use sequins.  Remember, if you use sequins, you have to use a bead to secure it.  So, once you have the bead on the string, you put your needle back through the hole in the sequin.  Put as many, or as little "sprinkles" on top.

Once the sprinkles are all on, sew the frosting on to the bottom.  Try to center it as well as you can.  Next, do the same to the other side.  Make sure the two sides of frosting match up.

Next, using a blanket stitch, sew the frosting sides until the middle.

If you will be using this as an ornament, find a ribbon you like, loop it, place it between the two sides, and sew it.  Make sure you sew through both layers of felt, and the ribbon.

Stuff the cupcake to whatever puffiness you desire.  Then, using a blanket stitch, sew up the last half of the frosting, tying it off at the end.

There you have it!  The perfect handmade cupcake ornament!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! I love the step by step tutorial. Shows exactly how to make this adorable ornament :D
