Saturday, January 30, 2016

Praying For Your Toddler From Head To Toe

Author's Note:  I know I am performing "easegesis" rather than "exegesis" with the verses I mention. It is meant for comedic relief.

A few weeks back, I came across this wonderful list of how to pray for your child from head to toe. 

I loved it!  That day, after bath time, I was cuddling Aidan, with my nose on the top of his head, and I went through, and prayer those beautiful words over him.  It was a perfect moment.  That was Sunday night.
But Monday always comes after Sunday.  And this one was a particularly “Monday-esque” Monday.  I got a note home saying he had bitten another kid, and during the day, I could hear his teacher saying his name, because he had let go of the rope thing they’re all supposed to hold onto, and had run ahead.  And fallen.  And hit his head.  Again.  So that night, as we cuddled, and I tried to stuff my working-mommy-guilt as far down as I could, and tried to balance my anger/frustration with grace… I started to pray over him again.  But as I prayed, I found that the words I was saying started to change.  And I felt that there MUST be other moms of toddlers out there who feel the same way.  So, for the days that you really want to run and hide, but are STILL trying to be the mommy God called you to be, here is:

Praying for your TODDLER from head to toe

Pray for Their Head
Pray that they will stop running into, diving off of, and tripping over things headfirst.  They say brain cells don’t grow back, and it would really be a shame to lose them at such a young age.  Plus, having three bruises on your forehead gets mommy really weird looks at Target.  Psalm 145:14: “The Lord helps the fallen.”

    2. Pray for Their Eyes
Ask God to help them have a good, full night’s sleep.  One without crying, bad dreams, blow-outs, or loud cars outside their windows.  For we just KNOW that our little dictators will wake up in a better mood.  Psalm 30:5: “For his anger lasts only a moment… but rejoicing comes in the morning.”

    3. Pray for Their Ears
Pray that they would LISTEN!  That’s it.  Proverbs 6:20: “My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.”  BOOM!!!

    4. Pray for Their Mouths
Ask God to help them keep their teeth to themselves, and somehow, miraculously shut their mouths like the lions’ in the story of Daniel.  Also, if we could tone down the screaming “mine” phase, that would be an added bonus.  Daniel 6:22 (paraphrased): “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouth of ______________________ (insert name).”

    5. Pray for Their Heart
This one can absolutely stay the same.  “Ask God to give your children a happy, cheerful heart.  Pray that they’d come to faith early and would trust easily and completely in Him. Proverbs 15:13a: “A happy heart makes the face cheerful.”  Psalm 28:7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me.  My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”

    6. Pray for Their Hands
Pray that they would hold your hand when crossing the street, wouldn’t take things out of other children’s hands, and wouldn’t push others.  Psalm 118:13: “I was pushed hard, so that I was falling, but the Lord helped me.”

    7. Pray for Their Legs
Pray that they wouldn’t run away from the teacher, and wouldn’t kick their friends under the table during lunch.   Psalm 119:32: “I shall run the way of Your commandments.”

    8. Pray for Their Feet
Ask God to help them keep their shoes on their feet, and not grow out of them so fast.  Also, back to the tripping and falling.  God, please help him to look where he’s going.  Proverbs 4:26: “Watch the path of your feet and all your ways will be established.”

And you know what???  It was still a beautiful moment.  Because at the end of the day, I was praying over my toddler.  And when he thinks, even for a second, that I might be leaving his room, he whispers “Hug?”  The other stuff will come and go.  My prayers will change depending on what he is going through, but at least I’m praying.

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