Christmas time is my favorite time of year. So, it's only natural that some of my lessons in December revolve around Christmassy themes. While searching some holiday worksheets, I came across this adorable one on
It's an adorable worksheet you can buy/download, the involves cause and effect, prediction and science. It's about what happens to a gingerbread cookie if you submerge it in water.
Here's what you need:
- Gingerbread Science Experiment worksheet (1/child)
- Gingerbread cookies
- Large clear glass
- Water
2. Place gingerbread cookie in glass of water.
3. Have the whole class watch what happens! It's really cool! They all helped narrate what what going on. First the sprinkles dissolved and turned the water green. Then the frosting started to come off, and then the cookie became all gooey; which the kids all got to touch. Then, finally, he completely dissolved!
4. In the third box, kids were to draw a picture of what ACTUALLY happened. Then they all compared it to their predictions. All in all a really fun science project! I highly recommend it. My kiddos loved it! :)
I love this! We have been reading gingerbread man books and are making gingerbread man cookies on thursday. The kids would love putting a cookie in water to see what happens. They have already been talking about this idea during our discussions about the books. Thanks for sharing!