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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

DIY Felt Bowtie and Hairband

I'm gonna be that mom that makes my kids match sometimes.  

I feel like it's even more fun with a girl and a boy, because you have to get creative. Easter is the perfect time to flex my crafting muscles, and this week I was working on matching bowties and hairbands - so here we go!

What you'll need:
- Two colors of felt
- Hot glue gun
- Tape measure
- Scissors
- Needle 
- Thread 
- Button


1. Cut a 2.5 cm segment of panty hose, and pull slightly to make a hairband.

2. Cut pieces of felt to the sizes given in the photo.

3. Fold the widest piece of felt, fold it in half, to find the middle seam.

4. Using a glue gun, glue the two cut edges to the middle "seam".

5. On the longer piece, create two pointed, "ribbon" endings.

6. Using a glue gun, glue the two pieces together as shown in the picture.

7. Using a glue gun, glue the two of them in the middle, and a little bit in the two other places there is a fold when creating an accordion.

8. Glue what you have of the bow so far onto the hairband.

9. Take the thinner, contrasting piece, and gluing as you go, secure the ribbon to the hairband once around, cutting off the excess.


1. Cut the pieces of felt according to the picture.

2. Follow the same method to create the initial bow part as above.

3. Glue the bow in the middle, once again creating and accordion.

4. Starting at the middle of the bow, glue the two long pieces of felt to the side you deem as the "back".

5. Take the shorter thin felt piece, and starting from the back, wrap it around the center, gluing as you go.  Cut off excess.

6. (The measurements of this part will vary according to the size of your child, but I will give what I used for mu 5-year-old.)
When measured from the middle of the bow, at the 17 cm mark of the strap, sew on a button.  On the other side, cut a slight slit as a button hole.  (If you'd like to avoid it loosening with wear, you can sew around the edges of the slit.)  Cut off excess.

And there you have it!

Honestly, trying to get a picture of my kids wearing them took longer than making them! Here are the best attempts...

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